Karnali Province Reports Minimal Investment in Child Sector

Published 2023 Dec 11 Monday

Bheriganga (Surkhet): A recent study conducted by the Collective Campaign for Child Rights Karnali has revealed a significant lack of investment by the Karnali province government in the children's sector. The analysis, covering three fiscal years from 2021/22 to 2023/24, disclosed that only one percent of the budget was allocated to the children's sector in Karnali.

For the fiscal year 2021/22, out of a total annual budget of Rs 28 billion 474.2 million, a mere Rs 149 million (1.28 percent) was earmarked for the children's sector. In the subsequent fiscal year 2022/23, a meager 0.86 percent of the budget was allocated, and in the fiscal year 2023/24, only 1.07 percent of the budget was directed towards the children's sector.

CCR Karnali Chair Tekraj Acharya reported that the Karnali province government has allocated slightly over Rs 355.8 million to the children's sector for the current fiscal year. The budget analysis considered four key areas of child rights, including school infrastructure development.

Stakeholders, during a budget review, had previously called on all three tiers of government to increase investments in the children's sector. The findings of this study underscore the need for heightened attention and financial commitment to address the challenges and promote the well-being of children in Karnali.
